Marketing chepter 2

  Monetizing Your Website

No matter what type of website you have, be it a personal blog, a news site or a company

website, it can be monetized through various channels. Not all monetization channels are ideal

for each type of website, so you have to see what works best for each individual website.

A great way to test what works and what does not work for your website is to do A/B

testing with a site like Optimizely or heat mapping with CrazyEgg. A/B testing means putting

content and ads on your website with various layouts to see which layout will best optimize your

monetization strategies through customer engagement rates. You can select how often each

different version of your site will be shown each time the page is re-loaded, then you will get a

report back indicating which version has the highest engagement rate.

With heat mapping, you will see a screenshot of your site with an overlay of red to blue

spots for where people are clicking, or engaging, the most or least. Sometimes this information

will be surprising and counter-intuitive to where you thought people were engaging.

Using the highest engagement rate to place monetization channels on your website is

very important. Whether it is ad placements, an email mailing list sign up form or affiliate

marketing links, you can get the best optimization with proper placement.


The first thing most people think of when they go to monetize their website is to get

digital display advertisements on their site as soon as possible. Digital display ads work through

advertisements being uploaded to your site through using slot tokens and keywords to get

contextual ads displaying on your site. They are usually contextual because they will be targeted

at the user based on their demographics and search history, or the ads will show something

related to the site the user is looking at.

Digital ads work through pay-per-clicks (PPC) and click through rates (CTR).

Advertisers pay for each click on the ad that is placed on your website and the higher the CTR

(the number of clicks based on the number of views), then the better the ad is doing and the more

money you will make from the ad.

If you website is fairly new, under six months, then you should refrain from using Google

AdSense to monetize your website because they will penalize you and possibly block you out

from using AdSense. There are many terms and conditions to using AdSense and it can be

difficult to use and get the clicks you are hoping for.


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